As you probably know, LinkedIn is a professional social network, which helps you connect to other professionals in your niche. But not only that. LinkedIn can help you grow your blog’s traffic too. I will show you how you can do it in an easy way.
On LinkedIn your network is “your bank,” without it you’re nothing here, so let’s build it up quickly.
First of all, you will need connections, as LinkedIn has calls them.
Here are several methods, how you can do it:
All you need to do is visit this page , and import all your email contacts from Gmail, yahoo or outlook. Even more, if you have collected emails in the past for any reason, you can upload them as txt or CSV file and you are done.
Email owners will get the message “John would like to connect with you on LinkedIn,” and most likely accept you, even if they’ve forgotten who you are.
L.I.O.N. in LinkedIn means “LinkedIn Open Networkers.” They are people who like to accept pretty much every connection request to grow their networks.
How to find them?
Open your LinkedIn account and in the top search bar type L.I.O.N, or LION, or Open Networker and send them a connection request. Keep in mind that LinkedIn has limits on how many people you can invite per day. Daily limit is 100.
If your account is new, I wouldn’t suggest to send even these 100 invites in one bunch. It’s better to separate them in smaller loads, let’s say, send out 20-25 invites and then come back after few hours and send another 20-25.
Don’t forget to add a quick note like “Hello (name), I’m very interested in LinkedIn growth and would like to connect with you here. Regards. (yourname)”.
By adding a note to your connection requests, you will enormously increase your connection rate.
Keep in mind it is a great idea to add LION or Open Networker to your headline as well, to help people find and connect with you.
It is quite possible that certain LIONS who you connect to don’t have any particular interest in you, but still it’s beneficial for you, as long as you’re connected. You are getting access to their connections, called “2nd connections” and this is a huge amount of people, because LIONs normally have thousands and thousands of connections.
LinkedIn has a great feature “Who Viewed Your Profile.” It’s located under Tab – Me – View my profile.
Here you can see who has viewed your profile. If they do that, probably they have some interest in you. Maybe they have read your post or have seen your profile as suggested to connect.
How can you utilize this?
If they show interest in you it is an excellent idea to offer them connection, right?
Many people think that way. So if you just open people profiles one by one, your profile will show up in their “Who’s Viewed Your Profile” and some of them will decide to send you a connection request.
And how sweet is that there aren’t any limitations on how many profiles you can visit, so you can visit even thousands of profiles in your niche every single day.
Literary, start sharing your profile URL everywhere. Post it in your twitter profile, Facebook profile, into your Facebook page, on your blog sidebar.
Also, post it to relevant Facebook groups.
Here is a list of some Facebook groups what will allow posting LinkedIn profiles time to time under special threads:
If you think how much time you need to do all the daily tasks I have mentioned above it is a lot.
Here is a solution. You can save a lot of your valuable time by automatization your tasks.
Bellow, you can find some tools that will help you in the LinkedIn automatization process.
Linked Helper is a Chrome extension that will allow you to visit LinkedIn profiles on your behalf and also connect them with them by previously creating a message.
You can also collect visited profiles data and export to CSV format.
LinkedIn Helper offers you seven days free trial and will cost you $15 a month.
Duck Soup does pretty much the same as Linked Helper, only it has a free version, which allows you to visit up to 100 profiles per day.
Duck Soap doesn’t have a trial, and unlimited version which will allow you to send connection requests and messages will cost you $11.25 a month.
When you have to build your LinkedIn network there is time to drive traffic to your blog, and you need to post any and every new blog post into your LinkedIn profile.
Join in some relevant groups into your niche and post your posts there time to time.
Engage with your connections relevant content, like it and comment on it.
If you will think that some of your connections can be interested in your particular post, it is a good idea to drop a quick message and let them know, you have written a post about a topic they are interested.
That’s it for today.
Read about other great traffic sources for your blog.
Don’t forget to communicate with me on LinkedIn, and share this post with people who can be interested in it too.