So, you have written some articles in your blog, it looks nice now, and now you’re probably thinking how to get traffic to your brand new blog. In this article I’ll give you some traffic sources which you can set up and receive quick traffic from.
Pinterest is a great traffic source for new and established blogs. What you need to do is set up business account (don’t worry it’s free).
Set up at least one board for your blog, and few more boards which correlate with your current blog niche.
For example, if your blog is about diets, you can set up boards about:
Fitness, yoga, weight loss and so on.
Next step – pin 2-3 most inspiring images from your blog and re-pin other people pins into other boards.
Don’t do it too fast, best practice is to pin about 20-30 pins per day.
So in a week’s time you could re-pin about 150-200 pins in your boards, and your pinterest account would look active.
It’s very important to follow others and interact with them too.
Find some big guys in your industry check their followers and start following them. I suggest at the start follow about 20 people two times a day, then after a week go for 20 people three times a day.
Quick tip: don’t try to follow everyone. Follow only profiles with profile picture and at least 3-4 boards, which don’t have more than 10000 followers, as people without profile picture & boards are most likely to be inactive, but guys who have more than 10k followers are too big and most likely will not follow you back.
Keep repining other peoples stuff at least 15 pins daily. Also, it’s important to leave comments on repins too, about 5 or 7 per day would be great.
You will see, your followers will increase, just don’t unfollow anyone; that’s a bad habit in pinterest.
Following this strategy in three weeks time you will follow around 2000 people and from my experience 20% will follow you back.
Now when you have a couple hundreds of followers it’s time for the next step.
Let’s find some group boards in your niche and write the board owners to ask if you can pin into their boards.
Group boards you can easy find in free pingroupie directory.
When you need to be accepted in big boards with lot of followers, you need to start pinning relevant pictures from your blog to their boards and get them in a front of large auditory.
Flipboard is pretty much like Pinterest only instead of pinning pictures, you flip full articles here.
The strategy is similar. Make a magazine about your blog and couple about similar niches. Then fill them with the content of others and start following established accounts that are following the big guys in your industry – interact with them.
Quora is very popular questions and answers site. You can find questions nearly about anything here.
Set up your account, upload picture and fill out the section – About you.
Then answer questions about your niche.
In the very beginning it’s not recommended to add link as an answer in your blog, Quora is very strict about spamming these days, but when you have answered about 10-15 questions already, go and find some question that exactly match your current problem you’re writing about.
Now you can write a quick answer to a question and put your link at the end of the message which is matching the article in your blog and advice to read your blog article for more information about certain topic.
In that way you’re not only getting traffic to your site, but also a very worthy backlink to your blog.
Quick tip: Don’t spam your link, don’t add more than one link to a article in Quora. You can promote every new post this way.
LinkedIn traffic pretty much depends on the niche you use for your blog. But if your niche is in any way business oriented, LinkedIn will be one of best choices where to get traffic.
The LinkedIn strategy is pretty simple. At the start you should set up your account, upload profile picture, profile banner image and fill information about your education, work experience and interests.
After that you need to join some relevant LinkedIn groups and start make connections with people working in your niche.
Make a great LinkedIn post every time, when you have written a new blog article and post in your profile, so people you’re connected with can see it in their feeds.
And if you have connections with people who are interested in your niche, most likely they will visit your blog and read the post in your blog.
Well, Reddit can be little bit tricky as average redditor (Reddit user) hates any type of advertisement.
So if you will place a plain link into subreddit which will direct to your website, it most likely will be downvoted or even removed. The same will happen if you will try to post pictures directly from your blog.
What you can do is similar to what we did in Quora. Respond to relevant question about a topic you have written and after your answer leave your link as suggestion, so readers can get more information.
From the other hand, if you will get your link into reddit and it will get more then 4 upvotes, it will become a DoFollow and will bring you enormous traffic.
Steemit seems a little spammy source. Its spam rate by Moz is 28.8%, so I would suggest to use this strategy only when your blog already has a bunch of good backlinks.
But from other hand you can get large amount of traffic by doing this.
So, register your steemit account, fill description and upload profile picture as usual.
Now you will need to write some (3-4) unique articles about your niche in steemit with relevant links to your blog posts. (Please don’t use articles you have already published in your blog or are planning to publish in the future, as it will cause duplicate content issues in your blog and it can be taken down in search results).
When you have done this, go to Telegram and have a look for Steemit upvote groups. The concept below these groups is simple, you upvote previous group user posts in steemit and post your article link. Next user will upvote your article and post his link.
So you can get pretty much upvotes on your articles that way, what will bring them in first page and many people will read them and click on links to your blog.
Find relevant forums to your niche and create accounts here. Most forums will allow you to put your website link in the signature, so it will be seen under every post you will post. (Some forums will ask you to write 10 to 50 posts before you can edit your signature).
So when you are done, just keep answering other user questions, discussions and your website link will be spread a lot.
Slideshare is all about sharing presentations and it’s owned by LinkedIn.
It’s uneasy to change every blog post into presentation as it asks for additional work, but if you will manage to get your presentation in a front of a huge Slideshare audience, you will get good traffic to your blog post.
To create a presentation, just use PowerPoint or similar application. Write down main key points of your article and split them one by one on each slide. Pick up good looking background and some eye catching images, and boom – your presentation is done.
Quick tip: Don’t forget to place your blog logo on each slide.
When you are ready with your presentation, upload it to Slideshare and wait.
There are two ways for it to be picked into Slideshare 1st page. One of the options – become more popular than other presentations published that same day, or – your presentation should be good enough to be manually picked by Moderators.
So consider two to three traffic sources from above and start build community around your blog. It will help you get traffic and popularity you deserve.
At the same time don’t forget to work on your SEO and backlink profile from day 1 (A post about link building for new blogs is on its way).
Happy Blogging!