In this article, you will learn how to start a blog, how to produce great content in readers and search engines eyes, how often you should write.
The first thing that probably will come in your head when you thinking how to start a blog is – what should I write about?
Well, the idea behind your blogs topic is very similar to what I wrote “How to choose the right domain name” a while ago. You should write about things you know and feel passionate.
I don’t recommend you to “take someone else’s content and rewrite”, just because your articles made that way might look great in search engines eyes, but definitely not in your readers eyes.
People will very quickly realize that your style looks little “robotic” and information you provided has been seen many times already.
From the other hand it is not too bad to try steal some ideas from popular sources and check about what people feel most excited in your niche about.
And here you can get some quick help from different tools around the internet.
The first one is
Here you can simply write your niche name, (for example – fashion) set up your target country and timeframe and you will get a lot of ideas what search terms are ranking high in your niche.
The best thing is this is a free tool, and you can access it easily from anywhere.
The next tool is
This free tool does pretty the same thing as Google Trends, only this one is for Twitter. You can see what’s popular on Twitter for the last hour or day.
This tool will be beneficial to grow your twitter account too; you can find trending hashtags for your post and use them to give an additional boost to your tweets.
Next one is
Feedly is basically RSS reader, which will deliver the latest posts from blogs, you have previously selected. If you are serious about your blog, you would need to know what are your niche authorities writing about, right?
So do a little research, put in Google search query
“Best Fashion bloggers,”
“Top Fashion”, and so on.
Have a look at their blogs, and you will find some interesting topics for you too, just add the link into your Feedly collection, so you can get their new post whenever they will publish one.
Ok, you probably have some great ideas. Let’s go to the next step.
One of the most popular article types are guides. For example “how to start a blog”. This type of article directly answers some reader’s questions or solves their problems. Guides have also been shared a lot in social networks, because people think they can help their friends with a similar problem.
Tops and lists are trendy as well. “Top 100 Marketers”, “Top 10 singers”, “Best songs 2019”. You have seen posts and videos like that all around, right?
List and Tops very often go viral in social media, mainly if you combine them with great graphical material.
If it is suitable for you, you can decide to do some interviews with your readers or niche experts. If you will write an interview with your reader, others will see how much you care about your audition, and it will bring you a good piece of authority.
Interview with niche expert can be hardest manageable thing, even if your blog is new and very few people know about it, but if you can get one, it will raise your reputation very high not only in your readers eyes, but in other experts eyes as well.
Now that you have established what article type you will write about, let talk about the next step.
Well, it really depends what is your goal. The length depends on the reason. There can be three main reasons
– engage with your existing audience,
– get more social shares or
– Rank higher in search engines.
According to Joe Bunting suggestions
• Article length of 75-300 words are best for generating discussion.
• Article length of 300-600 words are the standard length to get a mix of social shares and comments.
• With article length of 1000-1500 words, you will get fewer comments but much more shares on social media.
• And finally, with 2,450+ words you will get true love from Google and other search engines.
So I would suggest you at the start go for the articles of 1000 – 1500 words to get some shares and spread your voice over internet.
Then you can focus on articles with 2450 words and more to get your blog ranked on SE, and only when you will have enough readers base, you can sometimes write a little article with less than 600 words to engage with your readers.
And in the end, let’s talk about keywords in your article. As you probably know the best SEO practice will recommend finding some main keywords, use it in your blog post title, meta description and first paragraph and so on.
But in reality, it is nearly impossible to rank new blog high enough for these specific keywords.
At that time if you analyze sites that are not in top 1000 by Alexa and have less than 90 DA, but, at the same time receive a lot of traffic from search engines are not in the 1st position by any keywords.
Where is the secret?
The secret is pretty simple, they receive only tiny amount from each keyword, but they have many of them. Thus the number of keywords they have, they been ranked that high.
To do that, they just write a lot of great pretty long content with different freely chosen phrases and spend time not on keyword research, but on content creation only.
When they see, that some keywords start ranking accidentally, they just secure their position with few links with the correct search term in the anchor text to that particular article.
So that’s all from me today.